Some of the most common ingredients in natural hair products are those such as safflower oil, certain silk amino acids, shea butter, and specific vitamins. All have revitalizing and rejuvenating properties without the hazardous side effects of using man-made chemicals. Natural hair products typically clean just as well as their chemical counterparts and do not dry out hair, thin hair, or damage a person's scalp like their chemical counterparts.
Here are some of the ingredients a person should look for in a natural shampoo: Safflower oil helps repair and rejuvenate hair. It is very gentle, and it is a good volumizing and detangling agent. Shea butter is a great natural ingredient that helps fix dry and brittle hair. Silk amino acids are great for penetrating deep into the hair, restoring dryness and moisturizing from the inside. Vitamins A, C, and E are also great ingredients to repairing dry, damaged hair, reducing split ends, and naturally cleansing and restoring dry, damaged hair. These are just a few of the long list of ingredients that a person can look for in natural hair care products to get the clean feeling they desire.
It may take a few weeks, or even months, for the side effects from the harsh chemical shampoos and conditioners to start to reverse, but once a person gets used to a natural shampoo or conditioner, the odds are that they will never switch back. A person's hair will often start to repair itself, and once it does, split ends will usually disappear, hair will revert back to its natural amount of oil, and overall, the hair will look and feel healthier than ever before.
If you cringe at your weight when you look in the mirror, then you know it's time to do something about it. These fast weight loss tips will provide you with a few ideas that you can incorporate into your everyday life that will have a positive effect on your weight. Losing weight does not have to be difficult or dreadful. In fact, it can even be fun and can become a normal part of your day. The following ideas will show you how you can easily start working towards your ideal weight, starting right now.
1. Aerobic Exercise
You just knew this one would be top of the list. There's no escaping that aerobic or cardiovascular exercises are the best way to lose weight in the shortest amount of time. This sort of exercise requires you to maintain an increased heartbeat for at least 15 minutes, but the longer the better (depending upon your fitness levels). Walking, cycling, swimming, jogging and treadmill work are all considered excellent forms of aerobic workouts.
2. Swap bad foods for good foods.
Have a quick think about what you regularly snack on - is it something that could be contributing negatively to your waistline? If so, it's time to swap the bad for the good. Total elimination is not necessary, but aim to make at least 80% of your snacks (and meals) as healthy and low calorie as possible. So that means apples instead of chips, low fat nuts instead of chocolate, and so on. This is one of the most important fast weight loss tips you'll possibly ever read - make sure you keep it in mind everyday!
3. Good Fats vs Bad Fats
Clearly, bad fats are not ideal for people wishing to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Bad fats are found in fast food, junk food and processed food and should be avoided. Good fats are found in items like avocados, seeds and nuts, to name a few.
4. Strength Training
Resistance, or strength training is training with weights. When you combine cardio work with weight training, you reap even more benefits and your fitness regime becomes considerably more effective. Free weights and exercise machines are both great ways to do strength training, regardless of your current fitness and strength level.
5. Whole Grains, Not Refined Grains
Eating white bread, pasta and rice can have you packing on the pounds in no time. By simply exchanging these for wholegrain or whole meal bread, rice and pasta you are not only going to see changes in your weight, but your entire health as well. Refined grains have very little nutritional value, while whole grains contain more fiber and are less taxing on your glucose levels.
These five fast weight loss tips, if put into action by you starting today, can change your life. Once you start to see the weight dropping off, this will motivate you to continue. So be positive, be hopeful, and stick to a consistent and disciplined routine and you simply cannot fail.
Maybe you are looking to start your own salon, refurbishing or expanding. Whatever the case, you will need to find decent styling chairs to keep up with the competitions. These should be comfortable enough for customers, who have to sit in them for long time. They should also be durable to withstand the wear and tear of regular use.
Buying this type of furniture is an investment, you should hence treat it as such. Develop a budget and determine how the money you spend, will affect your business. Calculate how long it will take to turn a profit from its presence, based its price, your client base and your prices. These are the primary things that one must have in mind before starting their search. When these are concrete then the search can begin.
Whether you are looking for new or used chairs, they must be in good condition and at a great price. Some dealers offer great prices all year round but the trick is to know when and where to shop. Having this knowledge could seriously impact your budget in a positive way and help you to save money.
The amount, style and quality of chairs you need will determine where and when to buy. For those buyers looking for a small amount with various styles, your best bet would be: deal websites, brick and mortar salon stores and used furniture dealers. Shop when there are holiday deals or clearance sales.
If you wait until these periods, you will often find additional deals. These may come in the form of free items or free shipping. However, do not expect too much of a price reduction on some deals. If the deals are not lucrative enough, it does not benefit you to wait on them. However, only you can determine if it affects your bottom line and thus you must determine if it is right for you.
For those looking for specialized chairs in large quantities, a manufacturer would be the best option. Depending on the amount you will need, they can offer great prices. These prices may even compare to those found on some deal websites.
When you buy from the manufacturer, you are at an advantage. You will most likely get the furniture at the same prices that salon stores get them for. This means you can bypass the middleman and plug some of the money you saved on the purchase back into your business. Another advantage of buying from the manufacturer is that you can place your order any time of year. They are not normally interested in deals and thus the prices stay the same until the prices of their raw materials change.
No matter the size of your salon, always remember that the best place to find styling chairs for sale, is that which you can afford. It does not matter if the furniture are new or used. Just make sure that they are in good condition and that they are worth the money spent. You will find that when you stick to a budget, there is a greater chance to turn a profit in a short time.
Buying this type of furniture is an investment, you should hence treat it as such. Develop a budget and determine how the money you spend, will affect your business. Calculate how long it will take to turn a profit from its presence, based its price, your client base and your prices. These are the primary things that one must have in mind before starting their search. When these are concrete then the search can begin.
Whether you are looking for new or used chairs, they must be in good condition and at a great price. Some dealers offer great prices all year round but the trick is to know when and where to shop. Having this knowledge could seriously impact your budget in a positive way and help you to save money.
The amount, style and quality of chairs you need will determine where and when to buy. For those buyers looking for a small amount with various styles, your best bet would be: deal websites, brick and mortar salon stores and used furniture dealers. Shop when there are holiday deals or clearance sales.
If you wait until these periods, you will often find additional deals. These may come in the form of free items or free shipping. However, do not expect too much of a price reduction on some deals. If the deals are not lucrative enough, it does not benefit you to wait on them. However, only you can determine if it affects your bottom line and thus you must determine if it is right for you.
For those looking for specialized chairs in large quantities, a manufacturer would be the best option. Depending on the amount you will need, they can offer great prices. These prices may even compare to those found on some deal websites.
When you buy from the manufacturer, you are at an advantage. You will most likely get the furniture at the same prices that salon stores get them for. This means you can bypass the middleman and plug some of the money you saved on the purchase back into your business. Another advantage of buying from the manufacturer is that you can place your order any time of year. They are not normally interested in deals and thus the prices stay the same until the prices of their raw materials change.
No matter the size of your salon, always remember that the best place to find styling chairs for sale, is that which you can afford. It does not matter if the furniture are new or used. Just make sure that they are in good condition and that they are worth the money spent. You will find that when you stick to a budget, there is a greater chance to turn a profit in a short time.
everybody wants it but very few of us ever achieve it in spite of the plethora of "scientifically proven" diet plans promulgated by the popular media. According to many authors, if you eat lots of meat (but no bread) or achieve the perfect magical combination of fat to carbs to protein, or if only you'd eat just those foods suited to your blood type, hair color, or musical preference, all would be well. But are any of these diets really supported by the scientific literature? Have any of them been shown in multiple medical studies over decades to reduce heart disease, cancer risk, and diabetes while promoting permanent weight loss?
The answer, of course, is an emphatic "No!" In fact, research has shown that people following an Atkins-type high-animal-protein and fat diet may lose weight (in the short-term) but are at increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Yikes! And focusing on the perfect macronutrient combination takes our attention away from the most scientifically verified way to achieve permanent weight loss healthfully--and that's to eat healthy foods. (Moving your body a lot helps, too.)
I wish the scientific literature showed otherwise. I mean, I'd really like to eat chocolate cake for breakfast every day and still be thin and healthy, but chances are, if my genetic makeup is even remotely comparable to most other humanoids, my chocodiet would result in weight gain, lethargy, and eventually diabetes, at best.
So we've removed chocolate cake from the list of healthy foods (damn). What other foods qualify? Well, do you know what one food has the strongest association with low body weight and decreased disease risk? That would be leafy green vegetables--you know, the stuff the largest land mammals eat. Green leaves like kale, collards, bok choy, and spinach are overflowing with amazing chemicals increasingly notorious for interfering in the processes of cancer cell initiation, reproduction, and cross linking. These phytochemicals (plant-derived nutrients) even kill off cells whose DNA has been damaged, and they inactivate free radicals--those nasty die-hards that disease and age us. If you want to eat healthy foods, leafy green vegetables are your ticket to permanent weight loss and lowered disease risk.
That's because every time you eat something (from French fries to arugula), waste products are produced in and by your cells. Allow me to compare those cells to an internal combustion engine that burns fuel and spews out carbon monoxide as a hazardous waste product that wreaks havoc on the ecosystem. Well, that's what happens when you eat French fries (or cheese or cookies or a hot dog or cereal)--waste products like advanced glycation end products (AGEs) result, which are super damaging to our cells. Over time this damage builds up and manifests as arterioschlerosis, cancer, diabetes, wrinkles. But leafy green vegetables (and other vegetables, fruits, beans, and seeds) have tons of phytonutrients which act as mini catalytic converters for our cells, inactivating and even destroying the dangerous chemical byproducts of cellular metabolism that would otherwise lead to disease and senescence. Not too shabby, huh, for a bunch of green leaves?!
So the first thing for you to do is go shopping. Make sure you pick up lettuce and at least one cruciferous veggie (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, etc.), and then grab a colorful array of raw salad vegetables. Also get some raw nuts or seeds and dried beans. When you get back home, soak at least 8 ounces of beans overnight, preferably in a crockpot. When you get up in the morning, turn on the beans and allow them to slow cook for at least five hours. You can add some salt-free herbs and spices for flavor. When you return home in the evening, find a HUGE bowl for your salad, and spoon in ½ to 1 cup of beans. Next, cut and chop away at your veggies and toss them on top of the beans. Add a splash of vinegar and two or three tablespoons of nuts or seeds, et voila!
Mylea Caroline Israel is a certified Nutrition Education Trainer. Her passion is showing folks the science behind high-nutrient eating--what it is and why it's mandatory for excellent health. After that, the real work begins with training in the psychology of permanent weight loss. To learn more about permanent weight loss, check out her website at
Losing weight can be a difficult task. Many of us have struggled with various exercise programs, diets, gym memberships and personal trainers. We all seem to start out strongly, with good intentions, motivation and the drive to achieve success. But where does it all go wrong?
The answer is usually motivation. As soon as you miss that first session at the gym, or give in to your cravings. It's all downhill from there. Wouldn't it be nice to control your cravings? Or even ensure you keep that same motivation and passion for losing weight that you started with?
Every year we see the same flock of people going to the gym to get their summer body or to tone up after over indulging at Christmas time. They all start with generally the same goals but within weeks the majority of these people disappear. Without achieving what they set out to do. Then reappearing the following year with the same goals in mind.
How does Hypnosis work?
Hypnosis works by accessing your deep, subconscious mind that is usually very difficult to infiltrate. Since your logical, conscious mind usually blocks the way. By accessing your subconscious we can re-educate your mind. Planting new belief in sticking to your workouts or diets. Educating your mind in the long term benefits of exercise. It can change your pattern of thinking associated with weight loss and help you complete your goals.
Hypnosis for weight loss can also help you resist those intense cravings to eat food that we really shouldn't. Many people have struggled with diets in the past. Often caving in once the urges to eat certain food becomes to great. Using Hypnosis will lower those temptation levels. Allowing you to stick to your diet, stay focused on losing weight and see the results on the scales!
Using Hypnosis is very relaxing and extremely effective. It will put you in a trace like state, just like daydreaming. Where the Hypnotist will talk you through the steps. Over time you will see your attitude to exercise and weight loss change. You will begin to look past the day to day workouts and see the long term benefits of exercising. Your weight loss journey will become a whole lot easier and you can finally reach the goals you've always dreamed of!
Most people assume that aerobic exercise is specifically suited for women's fitness the same way that weight lifting appears more suitable for men's fitness. What few people realize, however, is that this form of exercise is essential to both men and women. There are many other misconceptions about cardio that have been circulating in public, but hopefully the facts below will serve to enlighten you about the real deal behind this type of exercise.
Aerobic exercises do not always consist of dancing routines
A lot of guys understandably shy away from aerobic exercise because most types of it seem to be just another form of dancing. You have to understand, however, that dancing-like routines are not all there is to aerobics. It may only seem like that way because women largely make up the population in your fitness club, and as such your fitness club is just offering what the majority wants.
If so, you can sign up for a personal training program that could introduce you to others and more "manly" types of exercise that will work you heart and lungs like boxing or kickboxing. Also, if it makes any difference, "cardiorespiratory, cardiovascular exercises or cardio" is just another term for aerobics. You could always refer to your routine as such if it makes you feel any better.
Aerobic exercise is essential to your health
No matter how young or - err - mature you are, cardiovascular exercise will always prove critical and beneficial to your health. Aerobic exercises are exercises that require you to perform a certain routine or activity continuously and following a certain rhythm as well. They help improve your heart rate and the overall health of your heart. They also improve your metabolism as well as oxygen distribution in your body.
Know when to go longer - or harder
Beginners are advised to start with aerobic exercises of moderate intensity for a short period of time. They can then gradually lengthen the period of their exercise until they have sufficiently built their stamina for it. Beginners are typically advised to start with a ten-minute routine and gradually adding ten more minutes to their routine as they improve. You should up the ante and go harder if you feel that your body is no longer having a hard time coping with the demands of your exercise routine. Make sure to switch back to a short ten-minute routine every time you increase your intensity level.
Do it on alternate days of the week
This will provide your body with much needed rest and recovery time. Working out every day of the week is allowed but you should at least alternate between strength and stamina building or, more specifically, between weight lifting and aerobic exercise respectively.
With your own fitness trainer, you are guaranteed to learn other equally helpful tips not just about aerobic exercises but also about the additional things that you can do to get fit and stay fit in the shortest amount of time.
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A "back to Earth" movement has been slowly gaining speed over the past few years. Organic foods free of pesticides and genetically-modified ingredients and renewable materials such as hemp, bamboo, 100% cotton and other all-natural products are widely used.
Many other goods are following this trend in various ways, such as paying fees to offset your carbon footprint, buying or leasing a hybrid vehicle, and feeding your pets raw or all-natural diets. Beauty products are also a part of this movement. Some companies have gone "green" since their start decades ago, while others are now offering all-natural products alongside their regular ones. These goods cover everything the average woman may keep in her bathroom, from makeup and skin care to hair care.
Natural hair care products may seem questionable to some customers, particularly those with set habits when it comes to their hair (dye it every four weeks, shampoo it every other day, blow-dry it thoroughly, and load it with hairspray and gel the same way each time). When you follow a routine like this, you are fighting your hair's natural texture. Genetics determine this set texture, and whether you agree with it or not, mother nature does know best when it comes to what looks best on your head! Unfortunately, whether they have curly or pin straight hair, women have long sought what lays on the other side of the fence. Wavy-haired gals worked hard to straighten their hair, while straight-haired women pin their hair up in curlers in an attempt to get that perfectly wavy mane.
All these attempts often damage hair over time, particularly if the products used are harsh. When hair becomes damaged, it is irrelevant whether you leave it in its natural state or continue to try to fix it the way you wish it to be-the strands simply look tired and limp.
Using natural hair products not only reverse this damage, but they also enhance the natural texture of your hair. If you hated your curls because they were frizzy, then products like shea butter and safflower oil will gently weight down and smooth out the strands, giving you gorgeous, sleek waves. If you disliked your straight hair because it was limp and thin, then products such as vitamin A, C and E will fill the individual strands of the hair, giving each shaft body and bounce.
If you are tired of fighting your hair, or think that it looks dead or dull, then consider giving it a break and use natural hair products. You will not be disappointed!
Enjoying time in the sun tanning isn't always feasible. This is where inside tanning comes in. With indoor tanning, you can have that healthy summer bronze year round. If you are a beginner to inside tanning, it is helpful to know your options, styles of tanning beds, and of course indoor tanning safety tips. Know how to tan in a healthy way before going for your first appointment. Research tanning salon websites to find out where to go in your local community and who has the best beds and prices, so that you can begin to work on a gorgeous tan.
There are a couple different styles of tanning beds you should understand before you pick one. You will have the capability to pick lying down or standing up. With a stand up tanning session it is easier to have a more even looking tan. You won't have much capability to relax in a stand up bed, if that is what you are looking for. If you choose to go with the lay down station you can still get a pretty even color, you just need to be sure you move around and shift your weight. If you won't do this, you can acquire lines on your body.
Swimsuits and tanning creams are crucial to a good tan. Using an indoor tanning cream is ideal. Check the salon websites before you go to be sure they have lotion at the counter. Your tan can reach its maximum potential by using cream that grabs hold of the UV rays. Make certain you are using indoor creams and not outdoor ones, as they are very different. Be positive that you bring a swimsuit in a tanning bed. High-powered bulbs can harm spots that are easily sunburned, and not used to exposure. Still cover up with a towel, if you are not wanting to have white lines.
It is overall vital to be super safe. The most common thing for a first time indoor tanner to do is get burned. You do not want to increase your minutes tanning when you first start out. It is best to take your time and build up your color with a measured pace. Check out tanning salon websites for information on how many days a week a first-timer should go and for how long you should be in the tanner. Most tanning shops should be upfront with you about minutes. During your appointment you should typically take the advice of the professionals. An example is using the goggles they give you. It will also help if you keep your eyes closed for maximum protection.
Indoor tanning is your best option for a wonderful tan during the middle of a harsh winter. Take advantage of sunless tanning by being healthy and secure. It can be a fun and calming way to build a stunning tan without having to worry about UV rays
There are a couple different styles of tanning beds you should understand before you pick one. You will have the capability to pick lying down or standing up. With a stand up tanning session it is easier to have a more even looking tan. You won't have much capability to relax in a stand up bed, if that is what you are looking for. If you choose to go with the lay down station you can still get a pretty even color, you just need to be sure you move around and shift your weight. If you won't do this, you can acquire lines on your body.
Swimsuits and tanning creams are crucial to a good tan. Using an indoor tanning cream is ideal. Check the salon websites before you go to be sure they have lotion at the counter. Your tan can reach its maximum potential by using cream that grabs hold of the UV rays. Make certain you are using indoor creams and not outdoor ones, as they are very different. Be positive that you bring a swimsuit in a tanning bed. High-powered bulbs can harm spots that are easily sunburned, and not used to exposure. Still cover up with a towel, if you are not wanting to have white lines.
It is overall vital to be super safe. The most common thing for a first time indoor tanner to do is get burned. You do not want to increase your minutes tanning when you first start out. It is best to take your time and build up your color with a measured pace. Check out tanning salon websites for information on how many days a week a first-timer should go and for how long you should be in the tanner. Most tanning shops should be upfront with you about minutes. During your appointment you should typically take the advice of the professionals. An example is using the goggles they give you. It will also help if you keep your eyes closed for maximum protection.
Indoor tanning is your best option for a wonderful tan during the middle of a harsh winter. Take advantage of sunless tanning by being healthy and secure. It can be a fun and calming way to build a stunning tan without having to worry about UV rays
What do consumers look for in an app? The best way to really know and understand your target audience's app needs is to think like one of them. Thinking like an app user and not as an app maker or developer can help you better recognize their requirements and preferences. Besides, you're also most likely an avid user of mobile applications. So stop for a moment and think about your personal app habits. What makes you hit the download button? Consider these app user facts below when creating an app:
Consumers are short on time - Time is such a luxury these days. People are always on the go and in a hurry. It's not surprising that many mobile apps are used for the very first time when there's an extra minute or two to spare. And after the initial use, just 20% of app users would ever open them again. The percentage even declines as time goes by. As such, you need to ensure your iPhone app or any other app is ultra useful or super fun/engaging and well-designed so that people would keep using it again and again.
Interface matters to users - Application users are easily turned off with crappy user interface. So no matter how awesome or useful you think your mobile app is, it won't gain a following if it's poorly designed. Aside from quality design, its interface should also be intuitive and user-friendly. You might want to check out some of the stunning mobile apps available today to give you an idea.
App consumers hate bugs - Don't we all? An app that crashes every now and then is a huge nuisance. And app users are impatient with bug-inflicted apps. Sometimes they find it better to delete a buggy app immediately than use it regularly, hoping it would finally work fine. Besides, an app that has glitches or crashes just takes up useless memory/space on their mobile device. So make sure you perform quality testing on your app to fix bugs and ensure a positive user experience.
Application users like consistency - Diversity is fun for most. However, when it comes to building apps, consistency is key. With that in mind, you should standardize your fonts, colors, logos, etc. Doing so improves recall and provides a more cohesive, unified look and feel. Sometimes even a minor change in your usual theme may confuse and or frustrate your app users.
Keep in mind these four points above to better understand your app users, and ultimately, to create an application that suits their needs. Bonus: Get a testing group composed of real end users and learn from their feedback.
Bizness Apps is making mobile apps affordable and simple for small businesses. We're a do-it-yourself app maker for iPhone, iPad, HTML5, and Android app platform with a full white label mobile app program.
Consumers are short on time - Time is such a luxury these days. People are always on the go and in a hurry. It's not surprising that many mobile apps are used for the very first time when there's an extra minute or two to spare. And after the initial use, just 20% of app users would ever open them again. The percentage even declines as time goes by. As such, you need to ensure your iPhone app or any other app is ultra useful or super fun/engaging and well-designed so that people would keep using it again and again.
Interface matters to users - Application users are easily turned off with crappy user interface. So no matter how awesome or useful you think your mobile app is, it won't gain a following if it's poorly designed. Aside from quality design, its interface should also be intuitive and user-friendly. You might want to check out some of the stunning mobile apps available today to give you an idea.
App consumers hate bugs - Don't we all? An app that crashes every now and then is a huge nuisance. And app users are impatient with bug-inflicted apps. Sometimes they find it better to delete a buggy app immediately than use it regularly, hoping it would finally work fine. Besides, an app that has glitches or crashes just takes up useless memory/space on their mobile device. So make sure you perform quality testing on your app to fix bugs and ensure a positive user experience.
Application users like consistency - Diversity is fun for most. However, when it comes to building apps, consistency is key. With that in mind, you should standardize your fonts, colors, logos, etc. Doing so improves recall and provides a more cohesive, unified look and feel. Sometimes even a minor change in your usual theme may confuse and or frustrate your app users.
Keep in mind these four points above to better understand your app users, and ultimately, to create an application that suits their needs. Bonus: Get a testing group composed of real end users and learn from their feedback.
Bizness Apps is making mobile apps affordable and simple for small businesses. We're a do-it-yourself app maker for iPhone, iPad, HTML5, and Android app platform with a full white label mobile app program.
You want to know the best way to get ripped? Well, here it is!
There are three big components to get ripped muscles. You need to workout well, drop body fat, and eat healthy. So, here's how to do them...
Workout Hard
A half-assed workout won't cut it. You really need to invest yourself fully, get a good program, and work it like it's important.
Don't go for an overly complicated program with lots of calf raises, bicep curls, pec flies, and other little lifts. Do big lifts like the squat, bench press, standing barbell press, and weighted chin-ups and pull-ups.
These big lifts will work your big muscle groups. They'll cause your body to grow large amounts of muscle, and actually develop strength.
Oh, and don't go for the 'pump' or 'burn'. Lifting heavy weights 5 to 12 times, or until you can't lift them anymore, will actually build muscle. 'Pumping' more blood into your muscles doesn't do anything, other than temporarily inflate them and waste your gym time.
Drop Fat
Once you've built up some muscle, drop the fat off. This is the best way to get ripped, since no matter how big your muscles are you won't be able to show them off if you have too much fat. That's just how it is.
Dieting is the way to go. And really, any diet where you eat less will help you lose weight.
It doesn't matter whether your get ripped muscles with 6 small meals a day, like most bodybuilders, or 3 squares a day, or with an Atkins diet or Ornish or Paleo. Eat less to lose weight, and find a sustainable way to do that.
The biggest reason most people fail to get ripped is because they don't control their eating. If you don't do that, you'll never get ripped. It sounds too bloody simple, but that's the truth of it - the best way to get ripped is to eat less.
Eat Healthy
Eating healthy will actually help you get ripped. And not through magical healthy-ness, but because of simple reality.
Vegetables are healthy, in my opinion, because you can eat a whole lot of them without eating a lot of calories. They're mostly water and undigestible fiber, so you can eat a delicious heaping salad or half a roasted butternut squash, and it's only 100 to 200 calories!
Also, eat grass fed beef if you can get it. Aside from the omega-3s it has, it's a great source of protein and tastes delicious! An if you get a leaner cut, because it's mostly protein it won't be a ton of calories.
Eating healthy doesn't mean flavorless swill. You can actually eat healthy foods and make them enjoyable too. It sounds crazy, and you'll have to do some trial and error to find out what you like eating, but I find that eating healthy help me lose fat.
Of course, you can lose weight by eating less calories of chocolate or ice cream. But instead of having just 3 scoops of ice cream or 3 or 4 candy bars during the day, I'd recommend eating real food.
Now What?
The best way to get ripped is to start now. Not tomorrow, not when it's more convenient, not when X, Y, or Z happens, but NOW.
If you keep putting it off it'll only get harder.
If you need more ideas and tricks, check out the links below. I give detailed advice about the best way to get ripped that I know of, and what's worked for me and other people I know.
If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!
- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
There are three big components to get ripped muscles. You need to workout well, drop body fat, and eat healthy. So, here's how to do them...
Workout Hard
A half-assed workout won't cut it. You really need to invest yourself fully, get a good program, and work it like it's important.
Don't go for an overly complicated program with lots of calf raises, bicep curls, pec flies, and other little lifts. Do big lifts like the squat, bench press, standing barbell press, and weighted chin-ups and pull-ups.
These big lifts will work your big muscle groups. They'll cause your body to grow large amounts of muscle, and actually develop strength.
Oh, and don't go for the 'pump' or 'burn'. Lifting heavy weights 5 to 12 times, or until you can't lift them anymore, will actually build muscle. 'Pumping' more blood into your muscles doesn't do anything, other than temporarily inflate them and waste your gym time.
Drop Fat
Once you've built up some muscle, drop the fat off. This is the best way to get ripped, since no matter how big your muscles are you won't be able to show them off if you have too much fat. That's just how it is.
Dieting is the way to go. And really, any diet where you eat less will help you lose weight.
It doesn't matter whether your get ripped muscles with 6 small meals a day, like most bodybuilders, or 3 squares a day, or with an Atkins diet or Ornish or Paleo. Eat less to lose weight, and find a sustainable way to do that.
The biggest reason most people fail to get ripped is because they don't control their eating. If you don't do that, you'll never get ripped. It sounds too bloody simple, but that's the truth of it - the best way to get ripped is to eat less.
Eat Healthy
Eating healthy will actually help you get ripped. And not through magical healthy-ness, but because of simple reality.
Vegetables are healthy, in my opinion, because you can eat a whole lot of them without eating a lot of calories. They're mostly water and undigestible fiber, so you can eat a delicious heaping salad or half a roasted butternut squash, and it's only 100 to 200 calories!
Also, eat grass fed beef if you can get it. Aside from the omega-3s it has, it's a great source of protein and tastes delicious! An if you get a leaner cut, because it's mostly protein it won't be a ton of calories.
Eating healthy doesn't mean flavorless swill. You can actually eat healthy foods and make them enjoyable too. It sounds crazy, and you'll have to do some trial and error to find out what you like eating, but I find that eating healthy help me lose fat.
Of course, you can lose weight by eating less calories of chocolate or ice cream. But instead of having just 3 scoops of ice cream or 3 or 4 candy bars during the day, I'd recommend eating real food.
Now What?
The best way to get ripped is to start now. Not tomorrow, not when it's more convenient, not when X, Y, or Z happens, but NOW.
If you keep putting it off it'll only get harder.
If you need more ideas and tricks, check out the links below. I give detailed advice about the best way to get ripped that I know of, and what's worked for me and other people I know.
If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!
- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
Health is a difficult winter. It was a dark time, when most people want to be inside. Because it is colder in winter, we tend to eat more because our bodies to keep warm, so they do not eat (much), we have to lose weight and durability and strength . This opens the door to colds and flu. In addition, the polar night in winter and cause seasonal depression.
So what do you do when winter comes is better? These tips will help you stay fit during the winter
If you do not buy that excuse can not take it. Yoga or the gym, it is necessary. Yoga is also good if you suffer from winter depression.
In principle, any type of exercise is good, as it is, and the sweat of our brain to produce endorphins, hormones of happiness.
Tiles will be played in the exercise of the snow or soil, and healthy, but you better be careful too of it through hard work with a shovel snow, cold, can reduce heart attacks . Then slowly and gently blow.
Another good exercise for the winter with skis and snowshoes.
Breathing clean air
Due to cold, they tend to have the windows closed, reducing air flow. Lack of air quality that makes us more vulnerable to disease, housing, preferably during the day. Walk to dog park or a walk of half an hour or more, can do wonders. Whatever happens, do not stay home all day. Fresh air and exercise is good for the immune system and blood circulation
Take advantage of daylight.
Sunlight is important for our immune system and depression. If you're lucky, you can also sunbathe. This is the general lack of vitamin D can be prevented, and affect the winter.
Drink plenty of water and tea.
In winter, heat a home, become dehydrated. The problem is that we tend not to recognize in the winter, if your skin is dry and flaky, patrol, and drink more fluids.
Green tea and cooperation will help strengthen the immune system, and Lee moisture, antioxidants and skin.
Healthy Eating
Eat more winter does not mean that eating foods with fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and fish is recommended.
Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants and vitamins that strengthen the immune system: fish rich in vitamins and protein for many to compensate for the lack of sunlight in winter.
Andreas Kramer likes to share and learn simple ways to increase profitability and quality of life.
More tips for winter health and natural health advice visit
So what do you do when winter comes is better? These tips will help you stay fit during the winter
If you do not buy that excuse can not take it. Yoga or the gym, it is necessary. Yoga is also good if you suffer from winter depression.
In principle, any type of exercise is good, as it is, and the sweat of our brain to produce endorphins, hormones of happiness.
Tiles will be played in the exercise of the snow or soil, and healthy, but you better be careful too of it through hard work with a shovel snow, cold, can reduce heart attacks . Then slowly and gently blow.
Another good exercise for the winter with skis and snowshoes.
Breathing clean air
Due to cold, they tend to have the windows closed, reducing air flow. Lack of air quality that makes us more vulnerable to disease, housing, preferably during the day. Walk to dog park or a walk of half an hour or more, can do wonders. Whatever happens, do not stay home all day. Fresh air and exercise is good for the immune system and blood circulation
Take advantage of daylight.
Sunlight is important for our immune system and depression. If you're lucky, you can also sunbathe. This is the general lack of vitamin D can be prevented, and affect the winter.
Drink plenty of water and tea.
In winter, heat a home, become dehydrated. The problem is that we tend not to recognize in the winter, if your skin is dry and flaky, patrol, and drink more fluids.
Green tea and cooperation will help strengthen the immune system, and Lee moisture, antioxidants and skin.
Healthy Eating
Eat more winter does not mean that eating foods with fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and fish is recommended.
Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants and vitamins that strengthen the immune system: fish rich in vitamins and protein for many to compensate for the lack of sunlight in winter.
Andreas Kramer likes to share and learn simple ways to increase profitability and quality of life.
More tips for winter health and natural health advice visit
So you want to do blackhead removal at home. There are several methods you can use, but what is the best method to use? It just might be blackhead removal strips.
Understanding Blackheads'
Blackheads are classified as acne. I would consider them not acceptable, but not the worse form of acne you could develop.
Blackheads are fatty plugs that develop as a black dot blocking a follicle, mainly on your face. In medical terms they are known as an open comedo because the follicle is not closed like a pimple (Closed comedo).
They form when sebum (body oil) collects in a hair follicle which is partially blocked by dead skin. The sebum that is exposed to the air oxidizes and turns black.
So how do you get rid of blackheads?
When you develop blackheads your first instinct is to squeeze it to get rid of the darn thing. Of the three methods I outline here in how to get rid of blackheads, this is the last one you want to use.
By squeezing blackheads you could damage your skin and even scar it. If this is the only avenue you have to remove your blackhead the best course is to just leave it alone and let it go away by itself.
Blackhead Removal Instrument
This is a tool that your dermatologist uses to remove blackheads from your face. You can even buy this tool and perform the procedure yourself.
It is a metal rod with a small loop at one end. You use it by dragging the loop across the blackhead after you soften your follicle with warm water. By dragging the loop across your blackhead, your blackhead will be removed with no scarring. You may develop a red irritation on the spot of where your blackhead was, but it will go away after a short period of time.
Blackhead Strips
One of the better methods to remove blackheads is by using strips. These are strips that you place on the area where the blackhead is and after waiting for the strip to dry, you remove the strip and the blackhead. One side of the strip has glue on it that adheres to the blackhead and when it dries, the blackhead comes out when the strip is removed.
Most people who use the strip report good results. To ensure they are effective make sure you get the strip wet enough to activate the glue and make sure it dries completely before removing.
Blackhead removal strips are effective at removing blackheads if you wet it enough to activate the glue and you let the strip dry completely.
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