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The Economic Sense Behind Weight Loss Surgery

Did you know that obesity is not only bad for your health and a drain on your finances but leaves a huge impact on the economy of the country? The war with fat costs the economy of the United States billions of dollars yearly, but a one-time weight loss surgery can put a stop to that war forever.

What is obesity? It's 20% of normal body weight for your height, which is probably less weight than you think. If your normal weight should be 150 pounds, 180 pounds is obese.

Why does obesity cost so much? Lack of productivity, lost wages, high absenteeism, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, a life of self-loathing and depression are only a partial list. An obese person can lose 13 years of life and further cut short their economic output. Jet fuel costs for flying obese people alone cost $742 billion dollars in the U.S., in 2010. (1)

However, blaming obese people is also unfair. The latest science tells us that while diet and exercise definitely help, they alone may not work for everyone. Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining and keeping on weight. However, weight loss surgery, or bariatric surgery as it is called in the medical industry, can work where willpower or genes do not.

How Weight Loss Surgery Works

The fastest, simplest and most non-invasive method of weight loss surgery is gastric lap band. The surgeon staples the stomach into two parts and slips a sleeve onto the part that will no longer be needed. Food goes into the working part of the stomach. The smaller stomach pouch feels fuller faster and cravings are considerably weaker.

Surgery usually lasts about an hour and the patient begins walking the same evening. The stomach gets used to food again in steps. The patient must carefully follow a moderate diet and other instructions provided by a doctor, or weight may return. The patient is usually medically monitored for about a year.

Further Cost Savings in Mexico

In the United States the cost of bariatric surgery can be as high as $20,000. For those without insurance, or who are under-insured, Mexico offers low-cost bariatric surgery at approximately 70% lower cost than in the U.S. And with the same level of expertise that Americans expect.

Most hospitals are also located near resort areas. A good medical tourism agency can arrange excellent quality, low-cost weight loss surgery, some luxurious rest time in the sun--and the cost would still be less than in the U.S.

Not everyone qualifies for weight loss surgery. Please consult with your doctor first to see if you are a good candidate. A lot depends on pre-existing conditions and other medical factors. But if you do qualify, weight loss surgery can finally get you the healthy, productive body you, and your economy, want.

Christine Polyuvan is an information expert on medical tourism, including Lap Band Mexico


(1) "The Economic Impact of Obesity in the United States." Dove Medical Press - Open Access Publisher of Medical Journals. Ross A. Hammond and Ruth Levine, Aug. 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2012.

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