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Why and How to Increase Your Fiber Intake for Weight Loss and Good Health

The fiber consists of a large amount of new information on nutrition, are soluble and insoluble in water, boiling water: Fiber is not digested in the small intestine to be absorbed but fermented by bacteria in the colon. It is important that the process of normal bowel function, corresponding to the fiber prevents constipation, diverticular disease, colon and hemorrhoids. Proper use of fiber in the diet can help prevent diseases such as obesity and diabetes, gallstones and coronary heart disease or cancer.

There are two types of fiber.

It dissolves readily fermented in the large intestine are physiologically active gases and the product is soluble fiber absorbs water, thick gelatinous material and fermented by bacteria in the digestive tract.

Insoluble in metabolically active and attractive, as the water moves through the digestive system and facilitate bowel movement. Insoluble fiber is fermented in large quantities and actions.

How much fiber do I want?

The current proposals of the Institute of Medicine suggests that adults should consume 20-35 grams, but the average U.S. daily consumption of 12-18 g.

High fiber type

If a large amount of fiber in whole grains (especially bran reserves) and beans and some fruits and vegetables: It is both insoluble and soluble fiber blend. A lot of insoluble fiber-rich foods such as wheat bran, nuts and almonds. The soluble fiber found in oat bran, and melons and dried fruits. Beans a good source of two types.

Low-fiber type

Processed meat and burgers and fries and dogs Donuts, hot, processed meat and low in fiber thickness. Diets high in fiber and low points tend to be body weight of thickness, thickness and body, but in a way that can remove fat and toxins. A similar power also causes digestive problems like constipation.

The fiber and weight loss

Dietary fiber, which tend to be foods high in fat, rather than a coarse sponge. Given the fact that most of the fibers can not be absorbed from the diet, the fiber has to be tied up with the removed fat the body. This process helps to reduce blood fat and cholesterol. The fiber content is a good amount of control of hunger, satiety, reducing food later. Dietary fiber, for example, it is important to be healthy, it is especially important for people who are trying to lose weight naturally. However, it is important to drink enough water when you increase your fiber intake to prevent constipation. Quantity and normalization of defecation.

Dr. PJ Prakash holds a Ph.D. in human nutrition at the University of Rhode Island, USA), previously worked as a food scientist, USDA Human Research Center, Tufts University in Boston aging food, which was published in the world-renowned scientist. nutrition journals. Now is a nutritionist and personal trainer, weight loss is a freelance writer and human nutrition.

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