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Can I lose 20 pounds in a month? This may seem like an impossible thing to achieve, but a lot of people usually ask this question. The reason may be because maybe they have an important engagement to go to or maybe they have a wedding or summer is just around the corner. People want to look their best in the shortest time possible. In this article, I will be sharing only one method that will make it possible to achieve this seemingly impossible task.

Can I Lose 20 Pounds In A Month?

In order to achieve this amount of weight loss in such a short period of time, you will basically need to eat healthy and be doing exercises. A healthy weight loss should be around three or four pounds per week, which is usually very normal. All you need to do is to stay focused even if you slip up sometimes during the month. If you do find yourself slipping up or getting behind, just keep going no matter what and you will achieve success. You will want to make sure you are dieting and exercising at the same time. If you are exercising without dieting or eating healthy foods, you will get a bigger appetite, which will increase your weight. If you diet without exercising you will get extra flab on your body and you will also have extra skin showing. So let's start with the first of the two methods.


The idea with exercising is that you will need to burn calories. You need to realize that in order to lose one pound of body fat, you will need to burn 3,500 calories. The best time to be doing exercises is first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. You should be aiming to exercise or especially cardiovascular exercises for at least 45 minutes. Anything less than 45 minutes you are not burning flab, but are actually only burning carbohydrates in your blood. You actually will not start burning stomach fat until after 30 minutes have gone by. If you are overweight, try walking at first as an exercise. Going on walks is a very good type of exercise. Walking is a lot smoother on your joints and bones. Just remember to start out slow and slowly as you start getting healthier, increase your speed and start jogging and running. Running is the most efficient and the best calorie burning exercise. Also, you should consider doing some weight training exercises. The idea is that by doing weight training exercises, you are adding muscle, which is important, because muscle burns more calories much quicker. Basically, you are not trying to become a bodybuilder, all you want to do is start exercising with light dumbbells to help you target your problem areas, like your stomach, bottom, arms, legs and chest.

In this article, I shared with you one method of losing weight. The method involved nothing else than exercising, which is easy enough.
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Why is it that some people can take or leave food, and others struggle every day? There certainly does seem to be a disparity. And then yesterday, Cheryl asked me: "why do I keep eating - even after I am done eating my dinner?" Since I have heard this from others before, I felt compelled to write about it and try to make some sense of it.

Let's look at this issue of continuous eating. First, it is a learned behavior. Somewhere in Cheryl's background, she started to snack and nibble after dinner. Why?

a. Could be to clean up small portions of leftovers because the amount leftover was not enough for another meal, but she didn't want to throw it out. This is the most frequent reason this habit starts, but is by no means the only one.

b. Or, Cheryl didn't want to leave what the kids left on their plate. That little bite here, a dollop there. Cheryl didn't want to waste it. And her kids don't care if they leave it on their plate. When they are full, they are done. That's it. They know they will get fed again.

c. Could be not wanting the meal time to end. Perhaps Cheryl likes the comfortable feeling in the kitchen and doesn't want to spend time in the family room watching shows she doesn't like..but has no control over what is being watched.

Many times the causes begin to overlap. But it really doesn't matter. Which ever the cause may be, the result is the same. The habit is now formed and is comforting to Cheryl.

For Cheryl in particular, she needs to reexamine her history and try to determine when it started. She needs to find out when she started asking herself the question: "why do I keep eating"? That is going to give her the first clue as to why. Once she understands where it started and why, the challenge is in finding out how to stop it.

First thing Cheryl should do is keep a record for a week on how many calories she eats after dinner. The sheer doing of this exercise is an eye opener to how many extra calories she is consuming without even thinking about it.

Second, she needs to ask herself what she gets out of it. If its pleasure, she could try putting soothing music on that will relax her. Or she could delegate "kitchen duty" to other family members certain nights so that she may watch a favorite show of hers at that time in the family room. That could make Cheryl feel worthwhile and that her needs are just as important as any one else's.

Thirdly, Cheryl needs to write it out and post on refrigerator door, that her after dinner mindless noshing is over. That movie is done. It's now out of circulation.

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